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Purchasing ARM in Print

Printed copies of the Administrative Rules of Montana (ARM) and its updates are available for purchase. Prices of available items may be found below.

To purchase any item, contact the Secretary of State’s Administrative Rules Services at:

Administrative Rules of Montana (ARM) Full Set 
Initial purchase of ARM Full Set$2,500.00
Quarterly updates, per calendar year (yearly subscription)$300.00
Partial year prorated subscription to quarterly updates$75.00/quarter
ARM Individual Titles 
Initial purchase of individual titleVaries by Title
Quarterly updates to individual titles, per calendar year (yearly subscription)$60.00
Partial year prorated subscription to quarterly updates$15.00/quarter
Miscellaneous Fees 
Lapsed subscription fee for ARM (maximum of two years prior, per year)$100.00
Copy or fax fee, per page$1.00 page/$5.00 minimum (no charge to state agencies)
ARM replacement binder$5.00