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Secretary of State Administrative Rules

The Secretary of State’s Office rules are found in Title 1 and Title 44 of the Administrative Rules of Montana (ARM).

The official versions of Montana’s administrative rule notices are published in the Montana Administrative Register. For ease of access and use, all recent or pending administrative rule notices for the Secretary of State’s Office are also available here.

Each proposal notice includes the proposed rule changes and reasons for the changes; date and location of public hearing (if scheduled); deadline for written comments; instructions for requesting a reasonable accommodation to participate in the rulemaking process; and instructions for requesting placement on interested persons mailing lists. Notices of final rule actions are posted after the public comment period ends.


  • 44-2-278: Adoption of NEW RULE I and the repeal of ARM 44.14.106 pertaining to records and information management.
  • 44-2-276: Amendment of ARM 44.5.303 pertaining to the Business Services annual report filing fee waiver in 2025.
  • 44-2-275: Adoption of NEW RULES I through XI and the repeal of ARM 1.1.101, 1.2.101 through 1.2.519, 1.3.101 and 1.3.102, and 1.3.301 through 1.3.313 pertaining to state agency administrative rulemaking.
  • 44-2-274: Amendment of ARM 44.3.2408 pertaining to ballot form and uniformity.


  • 44-2-273: Adoption of NEW RULE I, the amendment of ARM 44.3.1719, and the repeal of ARM 44.3.1718 and 44.3.1720 pertaining to postelection audit processes for federal and nonfederal elections.
  • 44-2-272: Amendment of ARM 44.3.104 pertaining to guidelines for polling place accessibility.
  • 44-2-271: Amendment of ARM 44.3.2901, 44.3.2902, 44.3.2903, 44.3.2904, and 44.3.2905 pertaining to annual security assessments and training.
  • 44-2-270: Adoption of NEW RULE I pertaining to reporting results during an election
  • 44-2-269: Amendment of ARM 44.3.2408 pertaining to ballot form and uniformity
  • 44-2-268: Amendment of ARM 44.3.2408 pertaining to ballot form and uniformity.
  • 44-2-267: Amendment of ARM 44.3.2403 pertaining to determining a valid write-in vote in manually counting and recounting paper ballots.
  • 44-2-265: The adoption of New Rule I pertaining to third-party testing of voting systems.
  • 44-2-264: The adoption of New Rule I pertaining to the Business Services annual report filing fee waiver in 2024.


  • 44-2-242: The amendment of ARM 44.5.114 and 44.5.115 pertaining to clarification of Business Services Division filings and fees.
  • 44-2-243: The repeal of ARM 44.14.301, 44.14.302, and 44.14.304 through 44.14.307 pertaining to Records and Information Management fees.
  • 44-2-244: The amendment of ARM 1.2.419 pertaining to the scheduled dates for the 2022 Montana Administrative Register.
  • 44-2-245: Amendment of ARM 44.3.2711 pertaining to poll watchers at places of deposit.
  • 44-2-246: Amendment of ARM 44.3.1713 pertaining to testing of vote tabulation machines.
  • 44-2-247: Amendment of ARM 44.3.2010 pertaining to eligibility of applicants to be issued and cast a ballot.
  • 44-2-248: Amendment of ARM 1.3.313 pertaining to notification requirements for emergency rules under the Montana Administrative Procedure Act.
  • 44-2-249: Amendment of ARM 1.3.307, 1.3.309, and 1.3.312 pertaining to legislative oversight of administrative rules.
  • 44-2-250: Amendment of ARM 44.3.2002, 44.3.2005, 44.3.2011, 44.3.2015, 44.3.2102, 44.3.2110, and 44.3.2302 through 2304 pertaining to voter registration requirements, provisional registration, late registration procedures, voter identification, and related definitions.
  • 44-2-251: Amendment of ARM 44.3.2014 pertaining to maintenance of active and inactive voter registration lists for elections.
  • 44-2-252: Adoption of New Rule I pertaining to the registration of a person who employs a paid signature gatherer.
  • 44-2-255: Adoption of New Rules I through V pertaining to election security definitions, security assessment requirements, security awareness training requirements, physical security requirements, and additional election security requirements; and the amendment of ARM 44.3.1701 pertaining to definitions related to the examination of voting machines and devices.
  • 44-2-256:  Amendment of ARM 44.3.106, 44.3.110, 44.3.115, 44.3.116, and 44.3.2702 pertaining to procedures facilitating disabled voter access.
  • 44-2-257: Amendment of ARM 44.5.114, 44.5.115, 44.5.116, 44.5.117, and 44.5.118 pertaining to the reduction of Business Services filing fees.
  • 44-2-258: Adoption of New Rules I through IV pertaining to Minor Parties.
  • 44-2-259: Amendment of ARM 44.3.116, 44.3.2204, and 44.3.2511 pertaining to clarification of timing of certain activities of Election Administrators.
  • 44-2-260: Amendment of ARM 44.2.204, 44.2.302, 44.5.114, 44.5.115, 44.5.119, 44.5.120, and 44.5.121 pertaining to the update of provisions related to Business Services filings and other administrative updates.
  • 44-2-261: The repeal of ARM 44.14.101 and 44.14.308 through 44.14.312 pertaining to records and information management fees and the amendment of ARM 44.14.106, 44.14.201, 44.14.202, and 44.14.203 pertaining to delegation authority for records disposal of public records and records storage systems and requirements.
  • 44-2-262: Amendment of ARM 1.2.419 pertaining to the scheduled dates for the 2023 Montana Administrative Register.