Following is a list of ballot measures that qualified for inclusion on the November 2006 general election ballot:
Author: Referred by Legislature, sponsored by Senator Duane Grimes
Type: Constitutional amendment
Updated as of December 7, 2006
FOR: 133,219; AGAINST: 237,367.
Author: Stephen C. Bullock, Bullock Law Firm, P.O. Box 1330, Helena, MT 59624
Type: Proposed Statutory Initiative
Final Signature Totals:
33,925 Signatures of the 22,308 Required
67 Legislative Districts Qualified of the 34 Required
Updated as of December 7, 2006
FOR: 285,535; AGAINST: 107,294.
Author: Jonathan Motl, 401 North Last Chance Gulch, Helena, MT 59601
Type: Proposed Statutory Initiative
Final Signature Totals:
30,023 Signatures of the 22,308 Required
50 Legislative Districts Qualified of the 34 Required
Updated as of December 7, 2006
FOR: 288,098; AGAINST: 93,291.
Title: Montana Hydroelectric Security Act
Author: Paul F. Edwards, 630 Monroe Avenue, Helena, MT 59601
Type: Proposed Statutory Initiative
Status: Missed final deadline for submission.
Title: Revise ethics law to lengthen prohibition on lobbying by public officers
Author: Rick Maedje, P.O. Box 447, Fortine, MT 59918
Type: Proposed Statutory Initiative
Status: Missed final deadline for submission.
Title: Reform administration of property tax
Author: Rick Maedje, P.O. Box 447, Fortine, MT 59918
Type: Proposed Constitutional Initiative
Status: Missed final deadline for submission.
Title: Balancing of fundamental rights
Author: Rick Hill, 1820 North Last Chance Gulch, Helena, MT 59601
Type: Proposed Constitutional Initiative
Status: Missed final deadline for submission.
Title: Agricultural heritage preservation
Author: Rick Hill, 1820 North Last Chance Gulch, Helena, MT 59601
Type: Proposed Constitutional Initiative
Status: Missed final deadline for submission.
Title: Appropriation limit on state spending growth
Author: Scott Mendenhall, 214 Solomon Mountain Road, Clancy, MT 59634
Type: Proposed Constitutional Initiative
Status: Withdrawn by sponsor.
Title: Preservation of opportunity to access public lands
Author: Kerry White, Citizens for Balanced Use, Box 606, Gallatin Gateway, MT 59730
Type: Proposed Constitutional Initiative
Status: Missed final deadline for submission.
Title: Flat-vehicle tax
Author: Toby McAdam, 105 South Ninth Street, Livingston MT 59047
Type: Proposed Constitutional Initiative
Status: Missed final deadline for submission.
Title: Flat-transaction tax
Author: Toby McAdam, 105 South Ninth Street, Livingston MT 59047
Type: Proposed Constitutional Initiative
Status: Missed final deadline for submission.
Title: Affordable health insurance
Author: Toby McAdam, 105 South Ninth Street, Livingston MT 59047
Type: Proposed Constitutional Initiative
Status: Missed final deadline for submission.
Title: Electronic monitoring of sex offenders and violent offenders
Author: Toby McAdam, 105 South Ninth Street, Livingston MT 59047
Type: Proposed Constitutional Initiative
Status: Missed final deadline for submission.
Title: Vehicle liability insurance
Author: Toby McAdam, 105 South Ninth Street, Livingston MT 59047
Type: Proposed Constitutional Initiative
Status: Missed final deadline for submission.
Title: I-152: Protect private property rights (state law)
Author: Trevis Butcher, Protect Our Homes Montana, P.O. Box 7, Winifred, MT 59489
Type: Proposed Statutory Initiative
Status: Withdrawn by sponsor, resubmitted as I-154.
Title: Protect private property rights (state constitution)
Author: Trevis Butcher, Protect Our Homes Montana, P.O. Box 7, Winifred, MT 59489
Type: Proposed Constitutional Initiative
Status: Withdrawn by sponsor.
Title: Limit on the purposes for which government may take private property
Author: Rick Maedje, P.O. Box 447, Fortine, MT 59918
Type: Proposed Constitutional Initiative
Status: Withdrawn by sponsor due to inclusion in another proposed ballot issue.
Decertified Ballot Issues
Author: Trevis Butcher, Stop Over Spending Montana, P.O. Box 7, Winifred, MT 59489
Type: Proposed Constitutional Initiative
Status: Because of court decisions this initiative was decertified and was not counted, reported or recorded.
Author: Trevis Butcher, Judicial Recall Montana, P.O. Box 7, Winifred, MT 59489
Type: Proposed Constitutional Initiative
Status: Because of court decisions this initiative was decertified and was not counted, reported or recorded.
Author: Trevis Butcher, Protect Our Homes Montana, P.O. Box 7, Winifred, MT 59489
Type: Proposed Statutory Initiative
Status: Because of court decisionsthis initiative was decertified and was not counted, reported or recorded.