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Secretary of State’s Business Services Division participates in Helena Public Schools PEAK Program

HELENA, Mont. — The Montana Secretary of State’s Business Services Division recently participated in the Helena Public Schools Sixth- and Seventh-Grade PEAK Program.

Staff from Secretary of State Christi Jacobsen’s office explained the extensive range of services provided to Montana businesses, including their role in registering businesses in Montana. The SOS Business Services Division walked students through the process of starting a new business in Montana, including the registration process and how to access business documents through the SOS online filing portal.

The PEAK program is a gifted education program available to identified students via testing. Second-grade students are tested in cognitive and creative manners and a select number are admitted to the program.

Many of the students were eager to begin their own business someday, with others declaring their intent to register a business in the near future.

“It was an honor to visit with enthusiastic students who have great ideas for creating their own business,” said the SOS team. “The PEAK program is a great addition to the Helena community, providing students with valuable information on a variety of different topics. Our office was happy to discuss the business registration process with these future entrepreneurs in Montana. Thank you to teacher Christina Sieminski for arranging this excellent opportunity.”

Secretary Jacobsen is proud to have made it easier to do business in Montana through the reduction and elimination of fees, including cutting registration fees in half for Montana businesses. She also announced annual report filing fees will be waived for all Montana businesses in 2024.

“One of the highlights in our office is being the starting point for businesses to begin their journey,” said Secretary Jacobsen. “It’s extra special for our team to visit with these students before they explore the idea of creating a business, and we look forward to serving them in the process much like we have their parents or grandparents before them.”

“Thank you, in advance, for doing business in Montana,” she added.